On gasoline engines, with the better compression that is accomplished with Polytron-GDFC Fuel additive, you will see improvements in gas…
Ever since lead was identified as a severe toxin, we’ve been seeking alternatives to improve the combustion in internal combustion…
We seem to be in the onset of the death throes of climate mania, and hopefully we can return to…
In respect of building envelopes, we tend to think insulation, as if that were the only option. But the range…
Anyone who has followed the changes of mileage in cars, has realized that the fleet performance changes slowly because cars…
New Energy Storage Solutions In the popular imagination, energy density is gaining some new recognition because people are starting to…
We keep lamenting the amounts of energy used by buildings, but it’s like the proverbial weather in New England: nobody…
Notes from the field: Measuring AQI is a troubled affair. Indoor air quality (IAQ) has been a joke for a…
It is more or less an open industry secret that in refrigeration and HVAC some 15-25% of energy is wasted…
The truth is, steam radiators were designed to keep you warm with the windows open, because after the 1918 flu…